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TFG Radio - A Warhammer 40k Podcast

Aug 28, 2021

Allan and Jeff are back for another episode of Focused Fire. This episode they speak with Adam, from TFG Radio. They talk about tournament terrain and the Player Optimized Terrain that Adam is using for Hammer of Wrath GT, their initial thoughts about Thousand Sons, Allan and Jeff's lists for the Hammer of Wrath GT,...

Aug 21, 2021

Hey everyone! John is back from his cross country travels to join Adam and Danny on this new episode of TFG Radio. They talk about the Orlando Open, how it compares to an FLG event, preparing for the local grand tournament, and more!


Gameology Pasadena -

Aug 7, 2021

Focused Fire is back and guest Brandon Grant is back for another episode. This episode they go over some of the army lists from the Lone Star Open, discuss how to mitigate bad luck when playing in a tournament, and more!

Focused Fire Facebook Page