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TFG Radio - A Warhammer 40k Podcast

Dec 21, 2018

Welcome to the last episode of 2018! In this jam packed episode Adam, Danny, and John talk about Chapter Approved and Vigilus' affect on the game. They discuss the reasoning behind the Code of Conduct system, and clarifications on the Terrain Rules. They then discuss their hi/lowlights of 2018, and a special...

Dec 15, 2018

A new bonus episode! This episode Adam talks with the organizer of the 2019 London GT, Zach Becker, and his Narrative 40K event organizer, Alex Armstrong. They discuss the issues from last year's GT, steps that have been made to correct it, the new 40K Narrative event this year, and all the other events at the GT!


Dec 2, 2018

Episode 30 is here! We had a little technical difficulty with the twitch stream but not to worry! Adam, Danny, and John are on this episode. They talk about the results of the Renegade Open, the announcements from the Vigilus Weekender, and details about our new contest!


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