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TFG Radio - A Warhammer 40k Podcast

Aug 30, 2020

Here is another episode of Focused Fire. This week Allan and Jeff are joined by Richard Cozart. Richard is a well known Chaos player in the Southern California region and last year's winner of the Slaughterfest GT. He joins the duo this week to discuss how to build your army for the 9th edition missions, and...

Aug 26, 2020

A new bonus episode is here! This episode we have Neil Kerr, one of the judges and organizers of the World Team Championship (WTC). Neil discusses the origins of the WTC, how he became involved, what the WTC is all about, and more! If you're curious about the WTC, or team events in general, then you should listen to...

Aug 21, 2020

Welcome back for another episode of TFG Radio. The whole gang is on hand to discuss most things 40K. They talk about the upcoming rules for units and weapons, FAQing the FAQ, happenings at a GT major, and more!

Intro/Outro (used with permission)

The Crimson King - Instrumental by The Contradiction


Aug 13, 2020

Guess who is back! Focused Fire returns after a bit of a hiatus. Allan and Jeff return to talk about competitive 40K. They discuss how small changes in the new edition are having a big impact on the game, their thoughts on the new GT missions, and more!

Focused Fire Facebook Page

Aug 7, 2020

Welcome to another episode of TFG Radio. This week Adam and Danny are joined by Brian Hunter, from the Flying Monkey Wargaming Podcast, to talk 40K. They discuss how the very first GT of 9th edition happened, Brian's thoughts on how the event went, what they learned and looking forward to the upcoming Flying Monkeycon....