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TFG Radio - A Warhammer 40k Podcast

May 31, 2020

Welcome to episode 61! Adam, John, and Tom are on hand to talk about the new 9th edition, Knights (because John), our new show Necron army color contest, and more.

The Crimson King - Instrumental by The Contradiction


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May 21, 2020

Focused Fire is back for another episode! This time the dynamic duo are joined by Matt Bodnarchuk, from Beyond the Battlefield podcast. This episode the trio discuss the new stratagems, warlord traits, other new rules for the Harlequins, and more!

Focused Fire Facebook Page

May 16, 2020

Welcome back for another episode of TFG Radio. This week we have Adam, John and Tom on the show. The group talks about the recent Necron, Harlequin, and Mechanicus news, what they have been up to, the stress of 40K, and announce the winner of the Salty John Slogan Contest! Also be sure to check out for a...