Oct 31, 2020
Welcome to episode 72. Adam, Danny, ad John are on board to talk the latest in 40K. They give their opinions on what was shown in the codex previews, the annual Haiku Contest, how to deal with situations of becoming aware of mistakes or corrections during a tournament, and more!
Gameology Pasadena -
Oct 24, 2020
Jeff and Allan are back for another episode. This week Jeff talks about a tournament he attended, they discuss the codex specific secondaries for both Space Marines and Necrons, and more!
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Oct 16, 2020
This episode once again has Adam and Danny talking 40K. They give their first impressions of the 2 new codexes, reminisce about the good/bad old days of "chimpmunking", how to deal with "forgetful" players, both as a player and as a judge, and more!
Gameology Pasadena -
Oct 2, 2020
Here we are with another episode of TFG Radio. Adam, Danny and John are on hand for this one. They discuss all the new info from the Space Marine and Necron previews, 40K Koozies, Danny playing in a Crusade campaign, Contest winners are announced, and more!
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